All students have a right to appeal an assessment decision if they feel they have been unfairly treated or the decision is unwarranted At school, your first point is always to speak with your class teacher. If it cannot be resolved there, then you should approach the relevant Head of Learning Area. If necessary he will then forward it to the Dean of Studies for final resolution.
As this course is a VET subject, we are also certified and overseen by our Registered Training Organisation – National Corporate Training. They also have their own Assessment Appeals Policy which is available to students once the College based avenues have been exhausted.
Refer also to for more information.
Assessment Appeals Procedures
You are to lodge a written Notice of Appeal to the Appeals Committee within ten (10) working days of your result being provided to you. All areas of this form must be completed; and attach any relevant or supporting documentation to the form. Any appeal will cost $250 due to the cost of hiring independent appeals committee members.
Decision on whether appeal will be heard or not by the Appeals Committee
Your notice of appeal is forwarded to the Chair of the Appeals committee who may determine that the appeal is lacking in substance, frivolous or vexatious. In this case the Chair may determine that no hearing is necessary and dismiss the appeal application. The decision of the Chair of the Appeals Committee to allow or dismiss the appeal application is final and there is no further right of appeal.
Where the Appeals Committee Chair dismisses an appeal application, the reasons for the decision must be given to the student, together with written notification from the Managing Director informing the student that their appeal application was not successful.
Where the Appeals Committee Chair allows an appeal application, the Managing Director will convene a meeting of the Appeals Committee to hear the appeal within a reasonable time, which will normally be not more than ten (10) working days after receiving the notice of appeal.
Appeals Committee Consists of:
The appeals committee will consist of at least two (2) members selected and appointed by the Managing Director and will hear and determine the appeal. These two members will be one independent practitioner member, selected from an appropriate industry body or other RTO; one member selected from the trainers/assessors responsible for subject delivery, content or assessment, or their nominee; and a nonvoting secretary to the Appeals Committee to keep a confidential record of the Appeals Committee hearing.
The Appeals Committee will not include any staff member previously involved in the assessment or has been involved in any matter or activity that could potentially lead to bias, prejudice or a conflict of interest or an allegation of perceived bias, prejudice or conflict of interest relating to the matter.
Notice of Appeal of an Assessment Decision
Name of Student: _________________________________
Date of assessment: _______________________________
Name of Assessor: ________________________________
I wish to specifically request an appeal of the assessment conducted on the above date, My appeal is based on the following ground:
My evidence to support the grounds for appeal is attached.
What actions would you like us to take to resolve this complaint satisfactorily?
Please send this form to the:
Managing Director
National Corporate Training Pty Ltd
7 Oxleigh Drive Malaga 6090 WA